Common built-in array methods in JavaScript

Common built-in array methods in JavaScript

useful array methods

Note took from:

Freeman, Adam. Pro React 16. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2019.

concat(otherArray)This method returns a new array that concatenates the array on which it has been called with the array specified as the argument. Multiple arrays can be specified.
join(separator)This method joins all the elements in the array to form a string. The argument specifies the character used to delimit the items.
pop()This method removes and returns the last item in the array.
shift()This method removes and returns the first item in the array.
push(item)This method appends the specified item to the end of the array.
unshift(item)This method inserts a new item at the start of the array.
reverse()This method returns a new array that contains the items in reverse order.
slice(start, end)This method returns a section of the array.
sort()This method sorts the array. An optional comparison function can be used to perform custom comparisons.
splice(index, count)This method removes count items from the array, starting at the specified index. The removed items are returned as the result of the method.
every(test)This method calls the test function for each item in the array and returns true if the function returns true for all of the items and false otherwise.
some(test)This method returns true if calling the test function for each item in the array returns true at least once.
filter(test)This method returns a new array containing the items for which the test function returns true.
find(test)This method returns the first item in the array for which the test function returns true.
findIndex(test)This method returns the index of the first item in the array for which the test function returns true.
forEach(callback)This method invokes the callback function for each item in the array, as described in the previous section.
includes(value)This method returns true if the array contains the specified value.
map(callback)This method returns a new array containing the result of invoking the callback function for every item in the array.
reduce(callback)This method returns the accumulated value produced by invoking the callback function for every item in the array.

Since many of the methods in the table return a new array, these methods can be chained together to process data. For example:

let products = [
  { name: "Hat", price: 24.5, stock: 10 },
  { name: "Kayak", price: 289.2, stock: 4 },
  { name: "Soccer Ball", price: 10.5, stock: 7 },
  { name: "Running Shoes", price: 233, stock: 0 }

let totalValue = products.filter(item => item.stock > 0)
  .reduce((total, item) => total + item.stock * item.price , 0)

console.log(`Total value: $${totalValue.toFixed(2)}`);
Total value: $1475.30
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